Anger Management Therapy in Georgetown, ON
Experiencing anger is a normal and natural part of being a human being. When experienced in small, relatively infrequent amounts, anger can actually be viewed as a good thing, as it allows us to express negative feelings. However, when anger is experienced excessively, it can quickly become an issue. When anger begins to become uncontrollable, it can damage both our relationships, as well as our life satisfaction. When your anger begins to negatively impact not only yourself, but the people that you care about, it is likely time to ask yourself if you have an anger issue.
How do I Know I Have an Anger Problem?
Excessive anger is at the root of any anger problem. This anger can be expressed in many different ways but can most easily be thought of as either outward or inward anger. Outward anger is the expression of anger through physical or verbal means towards another person or object. Inward anger is the expression of anger towards oneself through the use of negative, personally degrading thoughts. You could be experiencing anger issues if you are experiencing some of the following:
You find yourself feeling angry at things that do not seem to anger others
You feel your anger is impulsive or uncontrollable
Your anger is causing close others in your life to express concern
Your anger appears to be “pushing away” people you were once close with
You often regret things you have done or said while angry
Your anger causes you to be/want to be violent
You find yourself frequently angry at yourself
Your anger towards yourself creates negative and upsetting thoughts
This list is not a full representation of whether you have an anger issue or not. The important thing to recognize is if your anger appears to be negatively influencing your relationships, emotional state, and life. If you feel this is occurring in your life, it is important to seek assistance.
What is the Real Cause of Anger?
Different people feel anger from different sources. However, the most common reason anger occurs tends to be when we feel personally attacked, victimized, or threatened. In this way, anger can often be an automatic response, or something that we cannot control. It is natural for people to express anger when placed in one of the situations listed above. Other causes could include anger that forms due to:
the environment (ex. stressful or difficult home life)
events (ex. a traffic jam)
physical or psychological pain (ex. an injured hip or a battle with a disease)
a perceived injustice (ex. being accused of something you did not do)
It is important to work on limiting anger problems by not only working on the anger itself, but also working towards minimizing the things that cause this anger.
How do I Stop Being so Angry?
This question arises for people that find themselves in an angry state the majority of the time they are living their lives, but that wish to change that. For human beings, it is important that we live our lives by pursuing happiness; after all, what is the point of life if not to be happy? Acknowledging that you wish to be less angry is the best way to begin the path towards lessening your anger, while also beginning your journey to achieve greater happiness. Identifying that you have an anger issue is an accomplishment in itself. While removing the root of an anger issue may take time, there are certainly some tips and tools that can be used to begin the process of reducing anger levels. Some of these ways to control anger include:
Taking a moment to truly think about what you are going to say
Partaking in some form of physical activity as an outlet
Considering scenarios from all perspectives before forming an opinion
Taking multiple deep breaths before continuing with a conversation
Work to identify why you are angry; ask yourself if this is a reasonable thing to be angry about
Try to live in the moment by being mindful and present of your surroundings
What Happens When You Get too Angry?
When a person becomes “too angry”, it means they have reacted in a manner of anger that is more severe than what would normally be expected in a situation. This can have many impacts on a person, as well as the people around them. Excessive anger can cause the person experiencing the anger to lose control of their impulses, meaning they may be more likely to react to a situation without thinking it through. This could include getting verbally or physically aggressive, acting in a way that they would not normally act, or saying/doing harmful things to both themselves and others. Long term anger can also lead to health complications such as heart problems, high blood pressure, and digestive issues. These personal issues affect those around you as well. When people who care about must face your aggression and uncontrolled impulsive behaviour, it can lead to a damaged relationship. Losing someone you care about because of your anger can be avoided; you just need to seek the help to learn how to control it.
How can I Learn to Control my Temper?
Controlling your temper is something that takes time to achieve. However, speaking to a mental health professional, as well as your doctor, will allow you to begin on a path towards anger control. Your doctor can take the necessary steps to ensure that your anger is not the result of an undiagnosed medical condition, as well as help you understand if some form of chronic pain is contributing towards your anger issues. By speaking with a mental health professional, you can begin to identify the root cause of your anger, while also working towards building strategies and tools to allow yourself to control that anger in a healthy manner. An effective first step that can be taken to control your anger, is to begin to identify when your anger is rising up and understanding when that anger may be excessive. By doing this, you can begin to understand what types of situations activate your anger. This recognition, in combination with working with a mental health expert to develop anger management strategies, will lead to positive results.
How can Couples Therapy Centre Help?
Couples Therapy Centre has multiple experienced therapists who will be able to work with you in order to develop techniques and skills that will allow you to overcome and control your anger. These therapists will meet with you and inquire about the effects that your anger is having on your life. You could also be asked to complete a self-assessment in order for our therapists to understand your symptoms. From there, our therapists will help you build a plan of treatment in order to control and minimize your anger issues. Techniques such as talk therapy, learning ways in which to manage your anger, as well as investigating potential lifestyle changes that may help with your anger issues will be explored. The therapists at Couples Therapy Centre will help you to manage your anger issues, while also helping you build personal skills in order to manage it for the long-term.